Monday, July 2, 2007

One To One Computing

It's time to bid farewell to elgg and move on to my new subject. For the duration, my next tech topic will be one to one computing. This is the philosophy that every student should have an individual laptop to use in school for learning. The website that explained it to me was The rationale is that students will learn better if they have their own computers to utilize. That means everyone gets a laptop, even after leaving the computer lab! Every teacher would become a computer teacher.


PS108Library said...

Hi Stacy,

Are you aware that our own NYCDOE has one to one computing in a very selected few schools. I am not sure how that is working out yet. It is called ITeach you can read about the program on this website

I am interested in all that we can learn about this program.


Stacy said...

WOW! That's great to know, Robin- thanks! My summer (field work) students want to get onto the computer as soon as they get to the library... not to do school work, though.

PS108Library said...

Hi Stacy,

Yeah that is the pitfall of the 1:1 computing. Some schools are now taking the computers away because of this problem. I am sure we will learn lots of the pros and cons with this topic.


Stacy said...

Thanks, Robin.

Gloria said...

Hi Stacey,
I could not agree more that students will be more motivated to learn using their own computers.
I guess the time has come for us to begin to think out of the box! If we are to prepare our students for this age of technology then we must teach them the skills necessary.
It will be difficult for many of us to change our methods of teaching from the old chalk and talk , but we will have to face the challenge. If we are to successfully train students to be lifelong learners then they must be able to access and benefit from online learning.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of 1 to 1 computing. While I await my new library, next year i will be the computer teacher/ librarian. I can't wait to be able to have all the students in front of computers and show them what they can really do!
I think that all students need to be exposed to computers and learn about the internet and the wealth they can possess from it.
When I think back to when I was a kid and was able to master the manual we have all come a long way.

Stacy said...

Lifelong learners...yes! We certainly are lifelong learners. I always feel a bit silly (but it is necessary) to tell students about mistakes I make when learning new things. I told my summer school students that I put my Syracuse people on speedial for emergencies. I'm afraid that when I do become a media specialist, the students will know more than I do; and I have come a long way.