Monday, June 25, 2007

Blogs and Elgg

My elgg research led me to This is for "Professional Blog Consultants." Elgg is actually based on blog networks. This site offers help based on the type of blog one wishes to run (business, community, education, a cause, or for money).

The more we blog, the more relevant it seems. A few months ago, I didn't understand what a blog was. Now I see that it is big business.

Education blogs are free at .


PS108Library said...

An entire community of education blogs using Elgg. It would be nice to visit a few of these Elggs that might be related to teaching in NYC. So if you find one I would love to visit and lurk around when I have the time.

Anonymous said...

Seems even more interesting. To run an elgg would be nice, but it seems that it would only be free to have blogs run on it. Is that correct? I am a bit confused on how it is all done. I would like to be able to set one up for my school next year. Do you have any other information I may use or where else I can look to get started?

Stacy said...

Hi Robin. When you have the time, is one place for education blogs. I believe Gloria started one on eduspaces.

Stacy said...

Hi Margaret. I'm glad that you're interested in elgg. You may try the following:,, tour_1.php. I hope that those help. Let me know if you want more.