Thursday, June 21, 2007

Elgg Tour

In my Elgg journey, I came across the site, It has graphic organizers which clearly outline the learning landscape of Elgg (from a recorded tutorial to a user's manual). It also tells us what elgg means... "elk " or "moose" in Scandinavia.

This led me to another site, , to walk us through. Like MySpace, users must be over the age of 13 to subscribe. Elgg offers e-portfolios and file repositories.


PS108Library said...

Hi Stacy,

I took the tour and this was very helpful in understanding more about Elgg. I like the use of the graphic organizer. I was wondering since that was Gloria's topic what concept mapping that they used. The visual helped me get a better handle on this topic.


Stacy said...

Robin, I'm glad that you liked the tour and it was useful. As for concept mapping, the word web was very colorful and attractive. The chart was written in large print with rows and columns. I hope that answers your question.

Anonymous said...

Elgg just seems to be so fascinating to me. I can't wait to explore it even more this summer and hopefully be able to get the school running on it. The tutorial is simple and straight to the point.
I, too, love how it brought Gloria's concept mapping into play. Now we can see exactly how this concept is used to explain another one.

Gloria said...

Hi Stacy ,
I just did your Elgg tour and it was wonderful. As Robin said , that concept map really helped me understand. So then we can use concept maps just anywhere since they
help learners understand the concepts better.

Gloria said...

Hi Mar,
Do you sometimes get the feeling that we are learning so much you want to explore everything all at onece?
Oh yes , and concept maps ? you can take them anywhere with you !

Stacy said...

Gloria, Margaret and Robin, I'm so glad that you liked the tour and it makes you want more!

Margaret, it may be a challenge to sell an entire school on an elgg. Most of my colleagues don't even know their e-mail address for the DOE. Perhaps your school is different.